Registration open!

The website is online and registration for the 10th R2C Forum is now open.

We are pleased to go online with the new website and at the same time open the registration for the 10th R2C Forum. Please register as soon as possible (deadline: 19 May), this would help us with the planning. And you can already book your tickets to and from Berlin.

With over 30 workshops and programme items, we will fill six rooms in parallel from Friday afternoon till Sunday noon. A cultural programme will accompany the event, food and drinks will be provided on a donation basis. You can find a preview of the programme here.

We look forward to seeing you!
Your organisation team

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Everyone should feel accepted and comfortable at the Right to the City Forum — we are all taking care of this, together with the Awareness team.

Here we go! Info about the forum

Information about the program, the locations, the food, the party, childcare, the vibe of the endeavour and the infrastructure.

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