Register now!

The time has come, registration for this year’s Right to the City Forum from 2 to 4 June 2023 in Oberhausen, Germany is now open. Please register here!

Are you looking for a place to stay or can you offer one? Please register at our bed exchange! It will also be possible to camp directly on the event site during the weekend.

Here you can find information about the venue.

Call for participation

Dear initiatives, groups and alliances
dear activists and interested people,
dear residents of the cities,

since 2015, the nationwide Right to a City Forum has been bringing together housing and urban policy activists from all over Germany and beyond. This year we will meet from 2 to 4 June in the Ruhr region at the Druckluft Youth and Cultural Centre in Oberhausen to spend a weekend discussing, reflecting, analysing, learning, planning and, above all, not getting discouraged.

We are meeting in times of multiple crises. While the climate disaster continues to worsen and the social effects of the Corona pandemic are far from over, while new and old wars and conflicts force people to flee and right-wing movements sense their chance, our cities are shaken by a cost-of-living and energy price crisis. Those who had little before are affected most severely. But especially when the situation is getting so bad and many people don’t know what to do, the struggle for a city based on solidarity for all is particularly important!

Despite the difficult overall situation, there are currently a number of successful organising approaches that really encourage us. Not only have we built up a strong nationwide social movement on urban and housing policy in recent years. Many local initiatives are also successfully getting involved and making a difference on the ground. That is why we have chosen the motto “Organising Communities” for this year’s Forum. We invite small tenant and neighbourhood initiatives as well as large housing policy campaigns, house projects as well as squatters. Representatives from socio-culture and youth culture, feminists, anti-racists, activists for ecology, climate justice and decolonisation as well as all those who fight for solidarity perspectives in their neighbourhoods and search for alternatives to the capitalist city are invited.

Just as the slogan “Right to the City” connects urban social movements all over the world, the forum is meant to be a place to connect different urban political struggles. We would like to invite you to this.

We are looking forward to the forum and of course to you!

Your organising group
of the Right to the City Forum 2023

More information about the programme and schedule will be available on this website soon.

Poster and flyer

Download the poster (DIN A2, PDF) and the Fleaflet (DIN A5, PDF). They can also be ordered by sending an email to .

Das transnationale Programm wird in Kooperation mit dem Forschungsprojekt MovE durchgeführt (gefördert vom BMBF)