Art and the right to the city - opportunity or never-ending story?
Silvia Gioberti, art producer
Sandy Kaltenborn, communication designer
Jakob Wirth, artist*
What are the differences between the Right to the City movement and the artistic practice that is committed to a Right to the City? Where is the mutual potential?
Political art takes up the cause of fighting for political goals and the lines between activist and artistic practice have become increasingly blurred over the years. Political initiatives use artistic languages such as video, performance or aesthetic concepts for their appearance at protests and artists are increasingly using the language of activist groups and bringing this into the art scene; whether classic banners, clear and direct political demands or organizing demonstrations themselves.
Despite similarities, there are overlaps in the Right to the City scene, but there is also a distance to art and art is often rightly seen as too elitist, too liberal and not radical enough and not "useful" enough for its own struggle.
In this panel/discussion forum, the differences between the Right to the City movement and the artistic practice that is committed to the Right to the City will first be identified, before the shared potentials are discussed in a second step. Therefore, a focus is set on the experience from different corners of Europe.
Silvia Gioberti, Guerilla Architects
Sandy Kaltenborn, communication designer,
Jakob Wirth, artist*, stadtgewitter e. V.