
Controversial Rendezvous — Cross-Generational Perspectives On the Future of R2C Protest Culture

Controversial Rendezvous — Cross-Generational Perspectives On the Future of R2C Protest Culture


Discourse on the past and future of forms of protest in the context of the right to the city movement. We want to collectively research, question and connect together what has been around for a long time and what is only just emerging.

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We want to look at the changing culture of protest through different perspectives in the context of the right to the city and work out potentials for gaining power to act. We are interested both in the transformation of protest culture across different generations of the right to the city movement and in global perspectives on protest culture. We see an important role in an awareness of thoughtfulness and care, as well as a discourse about the "we".

We, the open collective LU'UM, work in the form of designing, building, researching and curating meeting spaces. The collective works in an open, site-specific and process-oriented manner.
We will bring three examples from Hamburg that demonstrate a certain spectrum of protest forms. The turbulent squatting history of Hafenstraße, the long and intensive process of different demands around the Esso houses and the Planbude as well as the current performative takeover of the Elbtower by AG Ost as a means of addressing spatial conflicts.

We will work together on the topic in three main areas: We explore the aesthetics, physicality and language of protest. We search for our motivation and the spheres of success and failure of our joint work. We think strategically about how we want to organize ourselves and act.

At the beginning, the topic is introduced in a performative way and the participants' knowledge is interactively integrated. Then, the three main topics are worked on in small groups. We want to develop a final product using discursive and experimental presentation methods.

Fri 4:59 - 0:00 Waschraum (StadtWERKSTATT)
Arts Workshop, Workshop