
Expropriate Nationwide! But How? — Supra-regional Perspectives With and Without Socialization Law

Expropriate Nationwide! But How? — Supra-regional Perspectives With and Without Socialization Law

Deutsche Wohnen & Co. enteignen (Berlin)
Hamburg Enteignet

In Berlin, DWE will present a socialization law and Hamburg Enteignet is following this approach with interest for its own strategy. Together with other Right to the City groups from all over Germany, we want to consider: What new possibilities are there for nationwide coordinated actions, initiatives or campaigns?

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The Berlin-based initiative Deutsche Wohnen und Co. enteignen (DWE) and Hamburg Enteignet are already working closely together and coordinating their campaigns. At the Right to the City Forum, we want to continue the strategic exchange between Hamburg and Berlin and, above all, consider together with other Right to the City groups from across Germany: What new possibilities for nationwide coordinated actions, initiatives or campaigns are possible?

Sat 11:45 - 13:30 StadtWERKSTATT