Land, a Special Commodity: Analysis and Criticism of the Economic Importance of Land in the City
DWE, Taskforce Land Economy
Jan Lucas Geilen
A discussion that aims to reveal the socio-political relevance of land in the ecological and social conflicts of our time.
This event is the kick-off to a series that aims to reveal the socio-political relevance of land in the ecological and social conflicts of our time and to construct/popularize a non-market and socialized management of land. In this first event, we will focus on soil in general and show the effects of its treatment as a commodity. We want to show whether and how the land market works and why land prices have exploded. It addresses how financialization and land speculation have not only become an investment strategy of many corporations and financial market players, but also how these phenomena are facilitated by various laws.
Workshop organizers
Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen (DWE), Taskforce Boden Ökonomie (Berlin)
Jan Lucas Geilen, PhD student at the IfS Frankfurt am Main - "Decommodification and socialization of land"