Let It Glitter, Let It Proliferate — (Eco-)Feminist Impulses and Utopias in the More-Than-City
Glasraum (StadtWERKSTATT)
For all urban political activists and those who are just becoming such; for flaneuses and utopia pitchers; for theory fans and for those who like to listen to the wind in the trees and for all those who sometimes need a little push and hope in activism - together with you we want to interweave theory and practice and start an attempt of (eco-)feminist utopianism.
After reflecting on our experiences in urban space, we set (eco-)feminist impulses and share our knowledge about the body, care and feminism. At various stations, we will jointly and individually design the "city bag" according to LeGuin and practice queer-feminist municipalism in a neighborhood assembly. Finally, we will create a hope-giving zine in a collective process to interweave us with our feelings, utopias and friends.