
Right to the City — Right to Play!

Right to the City — Right to Play!

Silvia Hable, coordinator of urban “play development planning” (Kassel)

We appropriate the world through play — so the Right to the City is closely linked to the Right to Play. In many places, however, (children's) play and exercise is not possible or too dangerous in cities, and it is even actively prevented.

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Domesticated, isolated, media-oriented and sedentary: these and similar conclusions are drawn by those studying modern urban childhood. But what factors might lead to cities, that are inviting to move, play and exchange? And how might other user groups benefit from these changes, apart from children and young people?

Together we will explore the surroundings of the workshop location for its "playability" and then enter into a theoretical exchange about the background, successes and possibilities of the urban planning instrument "Spielleitplanung" ("planning to enable playing), as well as other playful possibilities to intervene in urban space. Children are very welcome at this workshop.

Sat 11:45 - 13:30 Glasraum (StadtWERKSTATT)