“Yummy Campaigns!” – Campaigning Workshop for Beginners & Advanced
Felix Filou, “Wann strahlst Du?”
How can you build a successful campaign and public relations for your political demands? Here you get a step-by-step campaigning tutorial.
Unfortunately, having good political demands is no longer enough these days. Every political project must now be accompanied by strong public relations work. But how do you successfully juggle press relations, social media channels and branding? In the campaigning workshop, we look at this step-by-step.
We analyze advertising, look at how to identify (and reach) your target group, how to use social media channels and what effect good layout can have. There are also tips on how to structure your own public relations work in the group.
Wann strahlst Du is an office for progressive campaigns based in Offenbach/Frankfurt. Among other things, we have contributed to the citizens' petition Mietentscheid Frankfurt and the campaign Mietenstopp (rent freeze) Germany, and we are the editors for Benjamin Ortmeyer’s TikTok channel.